Below is a summary of frequently asked questions about rabies. If any concerns, please don't hesitate to call us! All pets in Massachusetts should be vaccinated, it's the LAW!
FAQ's Q: Is the rabies vaccine for dogs and cats good for one year or three? A: The first vaccine is given at 16 weeks of age and is good for 1 year. After that year is up, a 3-year vaccine is then given, then again after that 3-year is up and so on. If the Rabies vaccine status is unknown, we are required by MA state law to vaccinate any healthy pet, this will be a 1-year vaccine since any previous one cannot be verified.
Q: My cats are strictly indoor pets; do they need a rabies vaccine? Are they at risk? A: Yes, a vaccine is needed, as it is the LAW in Massachusetts. Even though they may seem at lower risk, if they were to ever get outside and come in contact with the disease, it is fatal. Also, if they were to bite someone, there can be large fines associated with not vaccinating.
Q: What are the signs and symptoms of rabies? A: The signs and symptoms of an animal with rabies can vary. In the beginning they can show loss of appetite, weakness and seizures, disorientation, incoordination, staggering, paralysis of the throat and jaw, and foaming at the mouth. Every positive rabies case can have a different incubation period, signs may take as little as 1 week to show up or as long as 6 months.